On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Ethan Dicks <ethan.dicks at gmail.com> wrote:
Timing is everything. I just finished digesting Megan
Gentry's and Doug
Jones' module lists, normalizing the columns, and importing it into a
secondary tab on a spreadsheet so that you can use VLOOKUP to
dump any list of boards by handle number in the A-column and it fills
out option name (KK8E, MS11...), bus type (if known), width (if known)
and any notes about the item (taken from the module lists).
I'd like to round out my spreadsheet but the best lists are of PDP-8
and PDP-11 CPU, memory, and device controller boards. VAX
CPU boards, memory (11/750 and 11/730 nothwithstanding because
of their connection to the PDP-11/70), and CMI/MASSBUS/VAXBI/NMI, etc,
aren't as thoroughly documented. Does anyone have a good pointer to
such lists they'd like to share?
One can read a lot of handbooks to pick out a vast number of handle
numbers and option names, but it's so much easier to feed an existing
list through a text filter to append to the other, excellent-in-their-own-right