> >Ooh! A machine code competition. I'm
in! I'll do the 6502 and whoop
> >EVERYONE'S ass!
> And then you woke up. First what are the rules,
6502 or 65C02, code in Rom
> or Ram, what is the code supposed to do?
Good point.
> My vote goes for something with some graphical
element so we can "see" what
> is happening. (spinning ball, etc.)
Nice, but already to high level.
The task should be abstract enough to run within a simple
system, lets say a SBC system with CPU, some MEM and some
of the usual I/O&Controll stuff (Ports, Serial, Timer).
Basicly there are two types of possible challanges:
a) implements some kind of standard code in a most speedy way, or
b) build some small, but sophisticated "real world" application.
Challenge a) would meet the basic idea we had in our discusion:
define at what ratio two processors are equivalent when executing
a real task, while b) should be sophisticated enough to give a
'boh ey' (sound of exeptional admire) effect.
In terms of a sportive competition a) would be a compulsatory
exercise, while b) is more a voluntary (free style) exercise.
As I stated before, for our theme a) would be more aprobiate.
As actual tasks I would suggest
for a): a 'simple' sorting challenge
given is
- Input media
- Input structure
- input data (same data or all participants, randomly generated)
- Type of sort algo to use (what about just a bubble ? :)
- Output structur
- Output media
the score schould be made up from
Execution time (mainly for the sort, but also for I/O)
Programm length (again most points to be given on the sort itself)
Style (readability, portability, maintainability)
for b) a thing like a small multi tasking OS could be used,
maybe for a controlling application (heating or traffic -
or what about a model railroad setup ?) or other purposes ?
(This could be chalenging, since these kind of tasks are
maybe a bit tough for our little helpers :)
So, you're opinion ?
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
MO FO ? I fear, I'll have to rub the lamp.
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