As as well as best DOS machine you should consider the best DOS to go with it.
From: Derrick Meury <rmx44 at>
To: cctalk at
Sent: Tuesday, 8 July 2014, 11:02
Subject: best dos machine
i have been thinking of running a good dos machine or finding one. i find that each
machine is different from the hardware to the way it runs the software. some have the use
of a hard drive and some don't i have thought of wanting a sorta high end dos machine
one that has the use of a hard drive and can run any program that dos can run and not have
issues. i remember with dos some programs would run to fast on some machines but with
others they would run just fine or to slow. around in seattle its hard for me to find a
good dos machine since most of the older machines that became unwanted got sent to a
computer ecycler where it got stripped down and killed off for free or that the store
sells the stuff for more then what its worth as a whole. maybe one of you might have
something or know some stuff.