Rumor has it that Chris Lamrock may have mentioned these words:
Now our servers are named after institutions on the
show -
springfield_nuclear, moes_tavern ect.... so allot of times I'll see Homer
@ moes_tavern... See it works out!?!
Ah welllll... I suppose if this thread will never die, I might'swell jump
in... ;-)
For the computers around my place that need names for a network or
something, I really don't get too inventive... the wife's machine is
"maggie" (her name), mine's "zmerch" (the userid I've had for
almost 20
years), the tivo is "tivo", the laptop is "zdell" (another one already
"dell" so I had to make it unique...), etc....
However, when I built my first dual-processor machine [1], and someone
would know what how fast it could do something, I'd refer to it as
"Goon." >> "Well, I suppose I could spark up Goon when I get home
& find
out..." After it fried <sniff> and I built a 1Ghz P3, I had gotten out of
that habit. When that machine wasn't fast enough to transcode MPEGs (for
SVCDs) and I built a dual-processor Athlon box, I started doing it again on
rare occasions, but it's not like it once was...
Otherwise, the *only* other things I've named that one would not normally
associate with naming (like kids & pets... ;-) is my Oscilloscope (Tex -
because it's a Tektronix, mainly just to shorten the name), and a hat (a
Russian enlisted Army winter cap I picked up in ex-East Berlin) only
because "Vlad" or "Vladimir" was shorter than "a Russian enlisted
winter cap I picked up in ex-East Berlin" and occasionally confused the
listener... Usually the stupid ones... ;-)
And now back to our irregularly scheduled drivel... ;^>
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
[1] a Dual P2-350, when 550 was the biggest, baddest CPU on the planet,
dual 9G 10Krpm SCSI drives software raided... Faster than most people's
servers, it really *was* a goon at the time...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????