Doc wrote:
Are the DMA-SCSI adapters unobtainium? Sounds
I have an Atari DMA-SCSI adaptor, made by a company called
Berkley Microsystems. They did the BMS-100, which is the
one I have, and a BMS-200 that's smaller, to suit 3.5"
hard disks. I bought the BMS-100 from them in 1987,
along with a SCSI-ST506 convertor. I then ran two ST225
disks off the system.
They were hard to find in 1987, so finding 'em now would
be tricky!
The Atari requires all sorts of software patches to run
well with a hard disk. There's a bug in the OS that
limits partition size to 16Mb, and another that makes
file creation (opening for write) take about a 5 second
delay. TOS version 1.4 fixed some of the problems,
John Honniball