On 3/1/07 22:48, "Sridhar Ayengar"
<ploopster at gmail.com> wrote:
SPARCstations and Solbournes. Has any 64-bit microprocessor been
declared officially vintage yet?
The Alpha 21064 (EV4) came out in 1992. I think
that probably qualifies.
$hells no, the Alpha is still a valid and working architecture, and people
like me are wondering when the EV9 will be released because it MUST happen
soon :D It's still the best CPU ever...discuss.
Just because it evolved into something that is currently in use doesn't
make the original Alpha a non-classic. End-of-line S/370's are not all
that different architecturally from the latest System/z's.
Can you say that an early '60's Corvette isn't a classic because they
still make the Corvette today? Come on.
Peace... Sridhar