On 08/28/2013 11:31 AM, Tony Duell wrote:
I never had either of those calculators. I could
never get my head around
a calculator with an '=' key. I had my trusty 41CV...
The thing that frustrated me was the 32-bit display (hex, best case) or
24 bit (octal). At the time, I was shuttling between 60 bit/20 octal
And 8 bit in binary mode?
Most non-HP 'computer programmer' calculators had this restriction. It
couldn;'t handle more digits than the display could show. So converting a
12 bit number ot binary caused an error. ARGH!
digits and 64 bit/(16 hex digits), the latter having
48-bit addresses.
hex and octal to bianry are almost as easy to do in your head. I find it
takes longer to enter the digits on the clacualtor and read the display
tan to do it with wetware. But it takes me rather longer to convert hex
<-> octal, I'm afraid...
The HP 16C was very much up to the job; the TI unit,
not so much.
I got my HP16C relatively recently. It now lives on my electronics bench
most of the time. I use it a lot...