On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at mail.msu.edu> wrote:
Piling onto this thread (sorry), I'd love to find a BA123 enclosure. ?I've
had this dream of building a "large" (for small values of large) MicroVAX or
LSI-11 system for awhile but one's never come my way; anyone out there have
one going spare?
- Josh
If I ever decide to get rid of my BA123 I'll keep you in mind,
although that would probably be one of the last Q-bus systems I would
hang on to. I was lucky and picked up one locally from
http://www.3rtechnology.com a while back from one of their eBay
listings. I didn't know exactly what I was getting and was pleasantly
surprised to find a working RD54 and a CQD-200/TM inside so it was a
pretty decent eBay purchase at the time.
I maxed it out by replacing the KA630 with a KA655 and (2x) Dataram
32MB boards (it only has 4 Q22-CD slots so you need 3rd party memory
to max out at 64MB), a VCB02 board set, DELQA, DHQ11, and CQD-220A.
Slower than my much smaller and still slow 3100 M76, but seems much