On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 20:56:28 -0700
"Zane H. Healy" <healyzh at aracnet.com> wrote:
I desperately need a shutter speed tester for some of
my older gear.
You can get this with a photo didode at the microphone input of a
card. Crude but works. Every time the illumination (flashlight...) of
the photo didode rapidly changes (shutter open - shutter close) you get
a spike at the microphone input. Record it with some sound editing
software and you can measure the time difference between the spikes.
You may use an ordinary LED in lieu of the photo didode.
I build a simple handheld device that does somthing similar with a
ATtiny microcontroler and displayes the measured time on a LCD.
BTW: I reworked the dichroitic colour head of my DeVere 504 for
semiautomatic b/w splitgrade. I still need a controler for it. I thought
about using a PDP-11 for this. But most likely I'll go with a ATmega...