I've just built a new building that will be part machine shop and part vintage
computer display area (and workshop for repair, etc.)
I'm trying to size power requirements and AC requirements.
I know that without specifics as to exactly what I'll be running (and
all the options) then it's really hard to come up with anything.
At the same time I need to decide and get the building wired up and the
cooling set up.
I have a number of different racks of PDP-8 and PDP-11 equipment along
with other more personal sized computers.
Obviously not all will be powered up at once, but I'd like to spec out
requirements so that I can at least run a few at a time.
Likewise with the AC. I'd like enough AC to be able to run for as long
as I want without overheating the equipment or myself (and I overheat
I know some people have been setting up shops recently and I guess I'm
wondering what they've been doing for both electrical and AC.
Any input is greatly appreciated.