Before we go too much further, I need to reiterate my disclaimer:
My father (NOT a computer historian) used to tell me
that, . . .
He did social science research, which included a lot of data processing
using FORTRAN. But, I am NOT going to claim that he was an expert in the
history nor the technology.
My father never fully seemed to understand why there were multiple
sizes of Phillips screwdrivers, so I was a little surprised that he seemed
to understand the principle of the brush and brass roller.
I mention that he was my source for that information, because I can't
verify the accuracy. And, I don't know what HIS source was for that
I may well be trying to claim that OS/2 for the PDP-11 was written in
Valtrep, so I want to clarify that my source could have been WRONG.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at