Today I obtained a Genrad 1797 programming station. It consists of a PDP-8a, 3 RK05s, a
Decitek paper tape reader, a Remix paper tape punch, and a Genrad interface unit. Also
with the system is a DecWriter III and 3 RK05 16 sector packs, as well as an alignment
I have not begun to study the system yet. Quick questions:
1) The Decitek reader appears to have a serial (EIA / RS232) interface. Can someone point
me to some documentaion on how this might be interfaced to a PDP-11?
2) Same question as #1, but for the Remix paper tape punch
3) What were these GenRad programming stations used for?
4) What is the purpose of the GenRad 1795-3010 interface unit?
BTW, the system looks to be in good condition and was said to be running before it was
decomssioned just a few months ago. Once I get a 30A 4-prong receptacle installed for it,
I'll fire it up and see what it's all about. There is a boot pack for it.
Any help or pointers on where to find information on the Decitek reader, Remix punch, and
GenRad equipment in general would be greatly appreciated.