Jules Richardson wrote:
Chuck Guzis wrote:
> On 23 Jul 2008 at 22:08, Scanning wrote:
>> It has to be done in hardware otherwise why bother. If you want the respect
>> and awe of the group show us your gravitas and use a spool of fibre optic
>> cable as the "media" and blink your data in through an LED or LASER
diode. A
>> photo transistor or photo PIN diode at the end will read your data so that
>> it can be replicated at the beginning of the fibre and start the whole loop
>> over again. Makes me tingle just thinking about it.
> Crikey, I couldn't afford enough fiber to recirculate a megabit!
> Let's see--I'm after a 10MHz bitrate and the speed of light through
> glass is about 2.00x10**8 m/sec...
JOOI, what was the typical speed for original delay-storage technology? How
does your intended 10MHz compare?
Typical bit rates for magnetostrictive delay lines used in 1960s-era
calculators was on the order of 200 - 600KHz. I did calculations for
propagation speed and 'physical bit length' for one of these calcs at one time
but don't have the figures at hand.
What's the maximum bit rate on optical fiber these days? If one were to utilise
the full bandwidth of the fiber to time-slice the fiber into n channels,
recirculate the bits sequentially through each of those channels, one could
achieve a factor of n reduction in the length of fiber needed.
I had to make a variable-length binary delay line a year or two ago for a
project to get two 1950s-era Deskfax fax machines communicating (needed storage
for one line of the image because the drums were not synchronised, and could
start at an arbitrary phase relationship to each other). It was only a couple
thousand bits of storage needed but I ended up just using 1 bit-line of an 8*8K
static RAM and ignored the other 7 bit-lines. It was much simpler than trying to
optimise on a smaller 8*x or 4*x RAM and feed it with shift registers. The
variable delay was accomplished with two counters (read and write) started at
different times and multiplexed into the RAM address lines.