From: "GerardCJAT" <gerardcjat at>
Subject: Who, on this list, Owns / Collects / Plays with an HP1000 A
or L series ??
Just curious.
It seems ( at first ) that most collections stops at 21MX ( M/E/F ) era.
Am I correct in my view ?
Except for the time I spent as a system manager on a couple of 2000/Access
systems, in college, the A-series was my introduction to the 1000 line. I
spent several years programming that - all A600s, except at the end when the
A400 came out, and all in Fortran-77 under RTE-A. Industrial control
systems, mostly, although I did right for in-house use a terminal control
package (similar in concept, but by no means execution, to termcap), a
full-screen hex file editor, a little mail system, etc.. It really seemed
like you could do almost anything you wanted as far as system calls, etc.
from the high level language - shared memory (SHEMA),
communication (using Class-IO), etc. I never ventured in to assembly
on it.
I hated the full-screen editor (it would write a full screenful of data to
the 26xx terminal, which you would then locally then cause it to read it
back off the screen), which is why I wrote my own WordStar-like editor.
I also ended up with a really nice fully decked-out A600 system, with a
couple of terminals, the built-in disk plus a 7912, plenty of memory, and an
8-port mux. Of ourse, like an idiot, I gave all that away to the Salvation
Army (the wife couldn't understand its intrinsic value like I did).
Mark Moulding