Very interesting. Could it be possible to do it with
other models ?
Olympia ES101, etc. Daisy wheel typewriters with centronics port.
Rochester Dynatyper
were boxes of solenoids that sat on top of the keyboard, and pressed the
keys. They would work for almost anything that had a relatively "normal"
keyboard, even a Merganthaler from Hell!
One had a Centronics compatible interface (34 pin card-edge connector to
fit with TRS80 Model I LPT port), crimping an IDC 36 pin Blue Ribbon
connector on its cable was sufficient to interface it to a 5150 parallel
port. It worked well with PC-Write.
The other had a double-ended board that
fit Apple][ slots and/or TRS80 expansion port.
It worked OK with Electric Pencil and Scripsit.
Escon? in Walnut Creek made a kit for butchering Selectrics. It fit on
the bottom and pulled keys down as needed.
At the West Coast Computer Faire (one of the earlier ones, maybe #4 - #6),
somebody demo'ed a unit that worked on almost any typewriter (they demo'ed
with a MANUAL PORTABLE). It connected up all over the typewriter with
fishing wire. The crowd seemed to like it, and applauded vigorously every
time that it successfully completed a Carriage Return.
At the Third? West Coast Computer Faire (LA?), somebody presented a
"paper"proposing a $50 typewriter interface. But, it was all
speculation on what the toy companies COULD DO, if they wanted to.
It was NOT on a par with the paper by George Morrow and Howard Fullmer
about standardization of S100.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at