On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
::Can anyone tell me what DOS (name and version) works
with an Apple //e and
::where I can get a copy?
Either ProDOS 1.1 or DOS 3.3. I use DOS 3.3 myself.
Actually, it can run any version of DOS (3.2 or 3.3) but for 3.2 you need
the 3.2 controller. For all intents and purposes, you're not likely to
ever see 3.2. Also, it'll run any version of ProDOS 8, but I think some
later versions required the "enhanced" //e (basically the one with the
65c02 processor).
Finding a "system" disk is not a problem, really. Before ProDOS, every
disk that was bootable basically came with the DOS on it. With ProDOS,
you could more easily create a disk without the OS, since the OS was
stored as files on the disk. Just find someone locally who can make you a
copy of a few games and crap and you'll have everything you need. I
pretty regularly find Apple ][ disks in thrift stores.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar(a)siconic.com
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