On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Megan wrote:
I actually caught the show as it aired, and started up
the tape
recorder in time for the segment... I'll see if I can dump it to
a file...
Nice job, Sellam... my only comment is the fact that
you didn't
mention the community of collectors out here, or the fact that
we all exchange info...
It's very hard to interject lots of information when you only have 7
minutes and the host is directing the conversation with his questions.
There was a lot more I wanted to say (namely plug VintageTech) but they've
invited me to come back again, so maybe I'll have an opportunity to do so
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at
www.VintageTech.com *