-----Original Message-----
From: John Lawson [mailto:jpl15@panix.com]
Sent: 29 December 2003 00:39
To: witchy(a)binarydinosaurs.co.uk; General Discussion: On-Topic and
Off-Topic Posts
Subject: RE: DECServer 90L+ startup help
Thinwire/thickwire = does this equal x-length of good 50 ohm coax with
BNCs on either end? If so - thats covered. What I'm *not* doing is
terminating - I didn't figure I'd have to with each connector on the
servers joined by a single run of coax. I have the BNC Ts - should each
end also need 50 Ohms...? Mongo not Grok LAN voodoo...
Yep. It's caught people out time and time again including me. If you've got
2 servers you treat them as a properly cabled thinnet LAN with terminators
at each end - you can't just connect thinwire between them.
2 50 Ohm terms per port? Mongo very confused now...
Mongo Least
Significant Bit in Error Register of Life....
Heh :)
One server on its own needs a correctly terminated thinwire port, so that's
a tee with 2 terminators. 2 servers need a tee each, 2 terminators and a bit
of thinwire (coax with BNCs either end). 3 servers need 3 tees, 2
terminators and 2 bits of thinwire etc.
The thing that annoyed me the most about the DS90 series was that even in
their stackable format (DETML-Sx) WITH the management units you still had to
wire them together with thinnet, which apart from anything else looked ugly
as well as having very tight bends on the cabling. The only time this wasn't
necessary was when they were in a DEChub.
www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk - the online computer museum
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