On Mon, 24 Aug 2015, Peter Brown wrote:
Was there any resolution to the original request for
HP5480A service
I have fiches for this instrument as follows
1. 5480A - Signal Analyzer Operating manual Part 1 - 05480-90014(fiche) - 2 fiches, 60
pages per fiche
2. 5480A/B - Signal Analyzer system vol 1System service manual - 05480-90015(fiche) 7
fiches, 60 pages per fiche
3. 5480A/B - Signal Analyzer system operating and service manual - 05480-90025(fiche) 5
fiches, 60 pages per fiche
4. 5480A/B - Signal Analyzer with 5485A, 5486AB, 5487A, 5488A service Volume 2, 3 and 4 -
05480-90016(fiche) 8 fiches, 60 pages per fiche
.. but no way of printing them out
[On topic part]
Is there a cost effective / group accessible method for making manuals
that were originally supplied on fiche available to the group?
Possibly. I'll email you some contact information off-list.