At 05:00 PM 7/25/00 -0700, I wrote:
> White is "hot", black is
"neutral" and green is ground. Most of the screw
> on plugs have a legend on them or on the package. Remember they are
> designed for people who have no training to install.
Fred Corrected:
I always thought that the "usual" color code
for electrical wiring was
BLACK is HOT, WHITE is NEUTRAL, and green is ground. Am I remembering it
wrong? or is the PDP 8/e backwards from everything else?
Nope, I'm the one that was wrong, fortunately several people have corrected
me so hopefully Laweence won't get it backward.
'Course, if you soak them in WD-40 long enough, it
might not matter.
Of course it doesn't matter after soaking, WD-40 is such a great lubricant
it allows the electrons to actually slide over to their correct conductor!