On Sunday, November 10, 2002, Christopher McNabb wrote:
One thing I did with a one hundred and fifty year old
family bible was to
photograph the family record pages using
I've seen a similar method used at the University of Oklahoma's History of
Science Collections. The HoSC has a bunch of really old books, including,
for instance, Galileo's own personal copy of Galileo's notorious
There's a guy in an office there who has a rather large (and, I assume,
high-res) digital camera set up on some sort of stand below which books can
be postioned. He can often be seen in there taking pictures of old books and
working in some graphics program to align the pages, etc.
As for how they preserve the actual paper:
(0) Vault is kept at 50 degrees F, 50% humidity
(1) Clean agent fire suppression system (halon in this case)
(2) When books are brought out for researchers, they have to warm to room
temperature before anyone can touch them
Jeffrey Sharp