I must get mine set up again. From where I am sitting
I can see the fornt
side of the S100 expansion unit...
Nice. I would love an expension unit for the Sorcerer but is was hard
enough to actually find the computer itself here in New Zealand. I think it
will have to remain one of those wistful thoughts.
I've decided to have a crack at fixing this BASIC ROM-PAC over the next few
months. This is probably a good opportunity to actually LEARN about burning
EPROMS and I'm sure I'm going to need to do so if I want to keep my 70's and
80's computers going for the next 20 years.
It's going to be a big learning curve for me as my knowledge is still
fragmented in this area. Also it's likely to be a slow project as there are
lots of competing activities at the moment. However, hopefully you guys can
assist if I need to ask what (to you) might seem stupid newbie-type
Of course I'm only ASSUMING it's the ROMS. There is not much else in the
case though apart from a few caps and a logic chip or two. Is there any
quick technique to determine if it IS the ROMS and if so if any particular
ROM is faulty?
One way that comes to mine with the Sorcerer is to somehow prevent the
ROM-PAC from autostarting, then peer into the memory locations the ROM-PAC
occupies (with the inbuilt monitor) to see if any of the memory seems messed
up (with repeating patterns etc.). If NONE of the memory locations appear
accessible this would indicate it might be something OTHER than the ROMS
yes? (as it's unlikely all 4 ROMS would have developed a fault). Is this a
reasonable approach to start off?
I don't know if I can disable the autostart but then I haven't looked
through the manual yet. Hopefully I can by holding some keys down when
switching off (or something).
Anyway...I'll report any progress.