At 7:12 PM -0700 6/11/12, Al Kossow wrote:
Note that there is NO mention of A/UX or Unix anywhere
in there. As far
as anyone was concerned, Unix didn't exist. If it was brought up as an
alternative, it was immediately dismissed as not useful as a basis for
the Mac OS, either because of size, or perceived performance.
If size and performance could have been a consideration, I have to
wonder if they were influenced by the B2 compliant version of A/UX.
It's a miracle that it didn't make me hate UNIX as it was the first
UNIX variant I used (it did make me hate ACL's). It's probably a
good thing that a couple days later I downloaded Linux 0.12 to try on
my 486/33.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Photographer |
| My flickr Photostream |
| at N03/ |