The problem is that the popular U.S. vendors expend
entirely too much of their
resources on packaging, thinking, perahaps correctly, that it will help sales,
but they forget, oir perhaps not, that the individualized packaging will make
their systems difficult to upgrade over time, thereby making the long-term
usefulness of considerably less value. Apple has taken this to the extreme,
as only a vendor knowing he has a market segment to himself could do.
Actually as far as hard disks, CD-RW's, CD-ROM's and DVD's
go, you can pretty much swap any of them you wish into any of the G3
and newer Mac's. It may or may not be a little more difficult with
the newer Quicksilver G4's though...I've not gotten a good look at
thier faceplates and bezels on the inside. ZIPs do require you to
find the correct bezel but there are generic bezels sold that will
pretty much allow any drive. Mac power users like to upgrade the
internals of their machines as much as any PC power user does and the
current Mac's are a lot more upgrade-friendly than pre-Jobs PPC Mac's.
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