On Mar 2, 2013, at 1:57 PM, Tony Duell wrote:
Personally, I say every kid should be armed with a basic scientific=0A=
calculator from the moment they start learning. Ban arithmetic and teach=0A=
the fun stuff from the get-go. You'll get more engineers that way!=A0 :)=0A=
If you don't understand how to do basic arithmetic by hand, how are you
goign to understand how to multiply and divide polynomails in algebra?
The methods are precisiet the same as long multiplication and division of
Use Macsyma (or the open source version Maxima). [ducks]
If you don't undertand how to add up multi-digit numbers, how will you
understand waht a 'carry flag' is? How will you add up `128 bit numbers
on your 32bit CPU (or whatever)?
Use infinite precision math libraries in various languages (lisp being the
obvious one). ;-)
By all means use calcualtors. But engineers -- especially -- should
understnad how they work.
I don't disagree with what you're saying...just couldn't resist pulling your
chain. ;-)
The point, which I know you'vev grasped, is that somebody had to write
those programs and libraries. Somebody had ot design the ALU used in the
microprocessor (or if it was designed using a CAD system and taken from
said systme's library, then somebody had to write the CAD system and the
Of course we all use calcualtors, maths libraries, etc without alwys
thinking how they work. But at least in my case, I cm, glad I do
understnad how they work when I have to fix them. If I didn't understand
thingsl ike carrying between digits in adition, I could never repair