On 2002.02.17 03:08 Gunther Schadow wrote:
- terminator isn't absolutely necesary
DSSI uses similar line drivers as SCSI (OC), terminators _are_
absolutely necesary, as they put a defined signal level on the signal
lines. You _may_ get it going with only one terminator if the cable is
really short. 25cm or 30cm as in my setup. You have one terminator on
the KFQSA. Make sure it is installed.
rd bl bl or/yl
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||||||||||||DSSI||||||||||||| wt rd bl bl or
The white line is power good from
the PSU or front panel, normaly +5V.
Red is +5V power from the PSU.
Black is GND.
Orange / yellow is 12V power from the PSU.