On 5/22/2012 6:56 PM, Ethan Dicks wrote:
I got my
start with the technology in 1982 with a VIC-MODEM on a C-64.
I had no idea when I opened the included "free signup" CompuServe pack
(with a password I remember to this day: SECTION/ANGRY) that I'd be
working there 12 years later.
Cool story.
I had the CoCo II, and a 300-baud radio shack "direct connect" modem
that I bought for $22.00 on clearance around 1982.
I'm glad that the modem had included that compuserve pack. I also seem
to remember that radio shack had a local BBS list that they distributed
along with modem purchases. As you know, things are considerably
different now. It was sort of the chicken and the egg problem --- you
couldn't get any BBS numbers if you didn't have at least one....
I visited the radio shack at the local mall almost every weekend, and
used quite a few trial username/passwords.
I liked the two unrelated-word password format separated by a !, @, #,
$, or whatever.