If it's working, I'd probably leave well enough alone and make a
mental note of
it in case something happened that it could have had an effect on.
It was wroking when I lat used the terminal some 20 years ago (and it was
an old unit then). But I am not the sort of person to apply power to
somethign that's not been run in 20 years without checking it over first.
So I can't be sure it's still working. I can be sure (and am sure -- I've
tested it ) that this pin is is correctly grounded even though its' not
going through the hole.
If the conenction failed, then the output of this circuit would become
a TTL high, I guess. Dure to an iverter on the board, this would turn off
the horizontla drive transistor. Sinec the output of that is transfoemr
coupled to the horizontal output transistor, that would be turend off (no
change in drive form the driver transsitor -> no base current in the
output stage). At which point I'd loose all the CRT voltages, but there
would be no damage. One thing that had worreid me was that in some video
boards if there was a failure of the horizotnal drive sircuit then the
ouput transitor could be turned on, leading to damage to it and/or the
flyback transfotmer. The former would be a pain, the latter would be a
very large pain! But this doesn't apply here.
On the other hand, I know it's an erorr. And getting to it involves
dismantling most of the terminal, including disconnecting the EHT
connector form the CRT. So I'd rather not have to keep on removing this