Hi all
I didn't see anyone answer Kelly's question, and
since I remembered to bring my Super Serial Card
manual in today... OK, this is the "Apple ][
Super Serial Card" which I hope is the same as
an "Apple Super Serial ][" card...
The "Cable Socket" is a 10 pin right angle looks
like 0.1" pitch connector.
The schematic seems to indicate
Pin Name Goes to
1 FRMGND R7 100R to GND
2 TxD Pin 6 on jumper block
3 RxD Pin 12 on jumper block
4 RTS Pin 4 on jumper block
5 CTS Pin 2 on jumper block
6 DSR Pin 10 on jumper block
7 SCTS Pin 8 on switch 2
9 DTR Pin 8 on jumper block
10 DCD Pins 14 and 16 on jumper block