>>>> "Jay" == Jay West <jwest
at classiccmp.org> writes:
Jay> The DL11 controller has a crystal that does odd baud rates, the
Jay> only usable one by any of my terminals is 110 baud (I think the
Jay> crystal in it is like 408.xxxx or somesuch. I read in the docs
Jay> that you can use a different crystal and get more "common" (and
Jay> higher) baud rates. The docs tell me what speed crystal to get -
Jay> but is this crystal something I can just order from
Jay> jameco/digikey/whoever and plug it in? The docs sound like it is
Jay> only a crystal swap required. Correct?
Sounds right. I couldn't find the doc you mentioned -- the ones I
checked on bitsavers don't show the frequencies, but they do show that
you get your choice of four "speed groups" according to the crystal
you pick.
Anyway, Jameco or Digikey may work, if the frequency you need happens
to be a stock one. If not, contact a crystal manufacturer. In years
past, I've ordered crystals for a custom frequency, quantity one,
completely painlessly from International Crystal. It seems odd, but
they have no trouble with custom orders for just a single part.