The hunt is most definitely a great part of it, I enjoy the "chase" I
spend many hours each week research engineering notes and docs and find
"clues" that lead me to names, project codes and other things that help to
piece together parts of a puzzle and have helped me over the years to track
down aspects of Atari that no one outside not just the company but this
micro-secret groups knew of.
The other part of collecting is to finally own these items which we all
envied and could only dream of owning when we first saw or heard of them
when they were brand new and well outside probably this entire groups
collective finances at the time :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <vcf(a)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and
Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Saturday,
January 17, 2004 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: why ?
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004, Teo Zenios wrote:
> > I've gotten a few good systems together for free but
> > sometimes I just gotta think of all the _time_ I would've
> > saved If I had just paid the reseller price with one
> > phonecall.
> > John A.
> Sometimes the
hunt is fun just in itself (unless of course the 1 part
don't have
makes the rest of the system unusable).
Face it: the reason we collect at all is because of the fun of the hunt!
That's why we always refer to it as "collecting" and not "storing and
preserving". Because once we find it, the "collecting" part is mostly
done :)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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