On Wed, 26 Feb 2014, Paul Koning wrote:
Matches are wax-soaked wood, so that doesn?t seem like
an ideal choice.
?? No, matches are plain wood, no wax or anything else. But I have no idea
what you can buy in the US.
Windex works very well for taking off tobacco smoke
residue. And I like
The best is Sidol plastic cleaner. *That* really takes tobacco (nicotine)
off immediately as it contains ammonia. But that's not what you usually
find on a head surface.
laquer thinner as a universal solvent for tough jobs.
For any cleaner,
especially potent ones like laquer thinner, you?d want to check first
that it doesn?t attack the surface in question.
Laquer thinner usually contains organic solvents, and that you really
don't want to rub into the head gap or on plastic parts. Use alcohol,
nothing else.