In my 2nd bedroom I have up and running a clone 233 for
my main use
everyday (I build it), iMac, PowerMac 6100/60,NeXT Turbo Color
Slab,Power Computing Mac clone with 16" Apple monitor,Apple Network
Server 500/132,Mac TAM,Lisa II,TRS-80 Pocket Computer,Vtech Power Zone
2000,Osborne I,Mac 180 laptop,Compaq 386 laptop,NEC 486 laptop,Newton
130 MessagePad,iPAQ,Deskjet 890C,Color StyleWriter 2400,TI99/4A with
dual floppies,and a SPARCstation2. In the main mainroom I have up and
going Apple IIc,PowerPC 5400/180,PowerPC 5260/120,IBM APTIVA tower
P166,Fujitsu PenCentra 130, and a Laserjet 5L.
I live in a small 900 sq/ft apartment with two bedrooms, one
of which is lined with shelves for my various systems. Four of them
(G3/450, TRS-80 Model 2000, NeXTstation Color, and SOL-20) are set up
so that they may be used at any time. My MicroVAX II sits beside the
desk and only needs connection of a terminal to be used. It also
acts as a pedestal for my G3/450. At any given time, depending on
what I'm working on at that moment, there is generally a system set
up on my dining room table. Most of my others can be pulled out and
set up without too much trouble and nearly all of my systems are
housed within the single room.
Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File