To all you clever people out there who post E-Bay references with
no accompanying text on just what it is you're sniggering about:
Not everyone on this List reads It in the context of a web-browser.
And speaking strictly for myself, while I am curious to know what it
is generating the excitement, I am *not* curious enough to shut down
the shell account, redial the PPP number and launch Netscape, go to
E-Bay, turn down a jarfull of goddam cookies, see what ludicrous
price some nitwit has paid for XXX that we all have a dozen of, then
reverse the whole process and get back to the list again. Copying
the said (or any) URL for me, means pencil and paper... not bloody
likely as far as E-Bay is concerned.
I do not like nor will I participate in E-bay, but that is my own
opinion on the matter and I respect and honor differing views. Good
old-fashioned Netiquette is the topic of this rant, however.