On Mon, 24 May 2004, Dan Veeneman wrote:
HP 3000 Model 226 Computer
HP 85 Computer
HP 87 Computer
HP 9100A Calculator (with top-mounted printer)
HP 9100B Calculator (with top-mounted printer and cover)
HP 9101A Memory Expansion
HP 9121 Dual Disk Drive
HP 9810A Calculator
HP 9820A Calculator (quantity 2)
HP 9821A Calculator
HP 9825A Calculator/Computer
HP 9825B Calculator/Computer
HP 9826 Computer (quantity 2)
HP 9878A Expansion Unit
HP 9915 Computer (unfortunately no keyboard)
Ka-wite the score!! (!)
Good job, Dan :)
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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