Subject: Re: Legacy apps in Windows/OS X was Re: Old MS-DOS & Win Software
From: woodelf <bfranchuk at>
Date: Thu, 08 Dec 2005 19:30:35 -0700
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <cctalk at>
What I do find odd that the 8086 came out first then a few years later
the 8088.
It still think the 8086/8086 could have had two instruction sets --
8080 emulation and
a better 16 bit design.
Not that I know of. I remember being able to get 8088s before the 86s
and that was back in 78 or early 79.
It was quite somethig to take an 8088, 8284(clock gen), 8205 (aka74138),
8755, 8155 and have a complete 16bitter in 5 or so chips. However, the
8089 IOP was a piece of cruft and one big pain to debug.