On 09/08/2018 03:57 PM, Warner Losh wrote:
My first TTY was the DECwriter II. My first terminal
was a Beehive
BH100. I hacked together some TECO to support it on a local
vi/emacs/EDT-like visual mode editor... IIRC, the escape sequences were
put into specific numbered registers as TECO macros. A poor man's curses
in the mid 70's.... I thought it was super cool until I discovered emacs
at school on our 11/750...
Before I got real disks on my MITS box, I used a Techtran dual-deck
paper tape simulator as storage (one deck read-only, the other
read/write and block searchable) and the Beehive as a rudimentary word
processor. Read up a page, edit offline, and then hit "Transmit".
Early CPT word processors worked in a similar manner.
IIRC, the Super Bee used an 8008 and a whole mess of shift registers for