I just have a RAT-SHACK here. I don't know what you build with the parts
since they seem to be randomly picked for what they stock. Other than
a 2 knobs and 2 bridge rectifers and 4700 uf caps they have almost nothing
here in Canada.
We want poly-packs back ... how do I get my 2 cent
7400's with 3 working
each for my next big project. :)
> Zane
I agree.., I'm appalled that RS has abandoned the hobbyist. It seems to
be the trend..., retailers so driven by profit numbers and markets that they
abandon those who put them in business in the first place. I've started
haunting hamfests and buying almost any dip package logic I run across. If I
needed ANY ordinary 74xx piece, there is no longer any place that it could
be purchased where I live. *Maybe* as an outrageously priced ECG part from
the one or two remaining repair shops..., but that's it. Sad...., and it
bodes ill for the sort of Science Fair / Boy Scout level projects that kids
might want to do..., oh, wait, I forgot, they've got video games and the