Hans Franke skrev:
>> >BTW: the 9900 looks like a great Unicode machine - eventualy
>> >one should drop all this unnecersary byte operation :)
>> 9900 what?
>Texas Instruments TMS 9900 and it's brothers
ans sisters.
>AK TI 990/xx
>The CPU used for example in the TI 99/4, or the Tomy Tutor.
>A nice clean 16 Bit design.
Ah, you're right about that. Shame that I've
never seen it in a decent system.
Well, I'd considere the TI 99/4 a real nice system.
The designers can't be made responsible for the
faults of the chip design guys, who couldn't deliver
an 8 Bit verion in time.
VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen