--- Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>
I can think of quite a few others who either
replied or who are
collectors but not subscribed to this list.
Senseless point to contemplate, but I have to wonder
why some bona fide collectors choose not to
participate (or at least monitor from time to time) a
vintage-based mailing list. Not everyone's cup of earl
gray I guess ;)
But frankly it does piss me off to think that there
are ahem resources out there that are going untapped.
Loads of people even on this list are sitting on
stacks of old floppies, and don't even take the time
to ensure the data therein won't be consigned to
oblivion. I mean how much effort does it take to set
up some 486 or early P- w/a 5 1/4" floppy drive, and
get on with it? If anyone needs help with this CONTACT
Umm what is the hardware w/o the software you geeks
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