Ethan Dicks wrote:
On 9/23/06, M H Stein <dm561 at>
True enough, but you don't have the look
& feel or the C64 key labels
& layout;
I think the idea is to use a defunct C64 and use it as a keyboard for
the emulator.
Why only defunct? You could take a working C-64, unplug the keyboard,
then place the microcontroller inside the case and run the PS/2 or USB
cable out the cartridge slot to your emulation host. Trivially
reversable. Of course, there _are_ lots of defunct C-64s out there,
so one wouldn't have to go looking very far to get a shell w/keyboard
(I have a couple on a top shelf...)
Technically, C=Key is designed to work inside a perfectly functional C64
or C128. If the 64 is on, it will convert PS2 inputs to C64 keypresses
(in combination with the current 64 KB). If the 64 is off, it will
convert the C64 KB actions to PS2 KB events.
If you turn on the 64 while it is configured to use the KB to PS/2
direction, you'll no doubt get lots of funky chars on the screen, as the
uController keyscan routine will not be synced to the 64 keyscan
routine, and thus they will "see" each other. Caveat Emptor for someone
who does that.
Jim Brain, Brain Innovations
brain at
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!