On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 19:38:36 -0600
Richard <legalize at xmission.com> wrote:
So pressing the PAGE key does nothing?
That should clear the screen.
It should, but it
How long did you let it warm up before concluding that
the screen
won't clear?
A few minutes.
I'd give it 30 minutes before reaching a
conclusion that
its horked for good.
I did this now but it didn't change anything. My 4006-1
needs less then
a minute to be usable. I typed on the keyboard in local mode, nothing
happens. I placed a loop back connection on the RS232 in line mode,
nothing happens. At least I get some garbled characters on my computer
when I connect the terminal. (I tried baud rates from 2400 to 38400.)
So it is not completely dead. Unfortunately bitsavers has docs on the
4010 and 4014, but not the 4012.