On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Erik S. Klein wrote:
This one may be insane - or maybe it's me.
An "original" Akalabeth (pre Ultima) game for the Apple ][ from 1980 -
A hefty price for a 5.25" floppy and 6 sheets of paper. . .
No kidding!
This is like the Nassau solder wierdness on ePay. search for
"nassau solder". Apparently it was a captive manu of solder
(yes, the Sn/Pb stuff) owned by Western Electric (one can
imagine they used enough of the stuff to own a factory). It still
doesn't explain the outrageous prices people pay for the stuff.
The choices are:
a. People are incredibly stupid, and believe anything they are told.
b. There is Something We Don't Know.
c. Both.
d. Neither.
e. WTF, Over?
f. Did someone say lunch?