I need to find a way to interface a breadboard prototype to an MFM
connection on a MicroVAX 2000. The cable I have is the type that connects to
tracks on a two sided PCB (like the edge of any PC card that plugs into an
ISA, or PCI slot), I don't know if this has a name. Is there anything I
could search for that would give me small 2-sided PCBs with the tracks on
each side and an easy way to connect wires from the breadboard?
Another alternative would be to find single-pin sockets for the wires so
that I could connect wires directly to the IDC header on the MicroVAX 2000
system board on an individual basis. I have searched for these but not found
anything, do these things have a name?
I suppose I could just buy or make a simple 60-way ribbon cable and push the
wires from the breadboard into the socket on the ribbon cable.
Any other ideas?