Mouse wrote:
I sent them mail saying "I would want
documentatino on how to talk to
the hardware, because your GUI will not be suitable for me" (any UI
that's suitable to most of pretty much any market has an excellent
chance of being somewhere between unpleasant and unsable for me).
Well, since I wrote the user interface for KryoFlux, I'd be very
interested in what would work for you, even if you don't intend to use
whatever changes we might make.
The GUI was designed to be extremely easy to use, even for
non-technical people such as those in libraries and archives. There
are advanced features, but they are mostly hidden unless specifically
wanted. I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself. Some
As it happens, even though I wrote the graphical user interface, I
didn't need to know anything about how to talk to the hardware. The
GUI just uses the existing software supplied. Anyone could have done
it really.
Document it enough I can write my own software to
drive it, and I might
be interested in the hardware. I will not be interested in
undocumented hardware and, as mentioned above, I will not be interested
in the software (unless it's open sourced, and then only insofar as it
forms documentation on how to talk to the hardware).
That is fair enough. If it is not suitable for you, it's just not. We
do have the stream file/protocol documented, which is the main
complicated part:
It would be nice to document completely as you want, but we have very
limited resources, and unless there is much demand for something, we
would find it hard to prioritise it. I think you might agree that your
requirement is a little unusual... :)