It was written....
Haha, you'd be surprised! I 've seen pictures
of guys building tanks out
of wood and plastic sheeting to do large parts, or as a mid-size tank
using garbage cans!
I wasn't talking about using it for heavily encrusted parts. Just for some
rack panels that have a few light rust spots on them. I'm suprised that
someone mentioned there are polishing/abrasive components in the stuff. I
never used naval jelly on a rag and scrubbed to remove the rust. I dabbed on
a tiny amount on the rust spot, then about 30 minutes later just wiped it
off with a damp rag. Rust was gone. No scrubbing or polishing required.
There are some of my racks that have large areas of a VERY light mist of
rust. I would wipe on some naval jelly, then a few minutes later wipe it off
with a damp rag and then a dry rag. As I said, I've never seen it take off
paint although I guess that's possible.
Jay West