I took at bunch of pictures of the inside and outside of the 4170 today.
I'm posting them to "http://www.intellistar.net/~rigdonj/tek-4170/".
There's no text there, only pictures at the moment, so you'll have to be
satisfied with looking at the pictures for the time being. I hope to put up
a page tomorrow with links and some descriptions.
I also scanned the page that describes the 4170 in the 1985 Tektronix
catalog and posted it there as well.
I *think* I may have found the right serial cable to connect it to the
terminal today but I also found that my only Tektronix terminal is acting
peculiar (it won't let me into the set up mode!) I'll try hooking up the
terminal tomorrow and if it doesn't work then I'll have to go look for
another terminal.
Keeping my fingers crossed!