I have some 9 Track images that might work. They are not distribution
tapes, though. (I have some hard sector distribution floppies, but the
floppy drive and controller are not hooked up -- a project for another day)
These tape images are in AWS format (such as that used by the Hercules
mainframe emulator), so someone would need to reformat the files -- but it
shouldn't take more than a few hours of "C" coding).
I have LOTS more, but need to read those pesky floppies.
2363 MT CC0028 NOVA RDOS "STARTER" 12/30/88 NOVA 3/4, 1 Extra
file @ end rdos_starter Memorex 35CWA1 8/7/2000 ?
2364 MT CC0029 NOVA RDOS66 "STARTER TAPE" 12/31/88 NOVA 4/X,
Last file BAD rdos_66_star Memorex
27JHA9 8/7/2000 Y
2365 MT CC0030 NOVA RDOS 6.6 NOVA 4/x FDUMP Reel 1 of 2
12/31/88 rdos_66_fdum Memorex 35JWA9 8/7/2000
2366 MT CC0031 NOVA RDOS 6.6 NOVA 4/x FDUMP Reel 2 of 2
12/31/88 rdos_66_fdum Wabash 87623#1511 8/7/2000
At 08:40 AM 8/16/2006 -0400, Madcrow Maxwell wrote:
I've decided to try out the Data General emulation
in SIMH and am
looking for software. Is there any place that has software for RDOS
like extra programming languages, games and productivity-type stuff?
If not is anybody willing to share?
Mike "Madcrow" K.
Jay R. Jaeger The Computer Collection
cube1 at