The only problem is that some sites are pretty much
useless without
Javascript enabled. Unless it's static content, there's usually some sort
of dynamic behavior, even in rendering.
Ian S. King, MSIS, MSCS, Ph.D.
True device independence requires a site be navigable without javascript.
I certainly am not saying it's easy going for ancient browsers now. I am
instead predicting that the new best practice standards for web design will
bring forth a more ancient browser-friendly WWW, moving forward. At least
it won't get any worse. I noticed many commercial web sites have adopted
the new standards including javascript - free navigation. I can say as a
web development professional that's all anyone talks about. Google favors
sites who adopt the new standards in their rankings.
It will be interesting to see were we stand in 5 years. I predict it will
be easier to use an ancient browser then, than today.
Bill Degnan
twitter: billdeg