Bill Gunshannon wrote:
Is there any chance anyone here has any RA7x series disks they want to
get rid of?? I just got an old 3000 series VAX that the previous owner
thought had DSSI. It tuens out it has SDI and one dead RA70 in it. I
would like to be able to use this without anchoring it to an RA80 or RA81.
Afterall, I thought I was the last masochist left still running SDI on
anything. :-)
I've got a RA70 sitting on my desk, tested good on the 11/785 at work
a few months back. If you have a RD5x series drive to swap, so much
the better. The RD53 in my 11/83 died a few months back and my attempts
to mate a UC07/scsi combo to it have proven unsucessful.
-- nick o